Sorry guys due to some work both personally and officially (Its real, believe me), I was not able to continue with the journey. Now I m back.
For readers, we give the brief of the last journey.
“Mona came to Chennai with her parents and introduced Jegan to them. Mona’s mother got ill and Jegan helped them. Then Mona’s parents went to Vizag. Later Mona felt like Love with Jegan”
Now the journey 11 continues…..
Mona that night asking herself so many times 'Do I love him?'. Jegan told

her father that Mona was her friend only. So if he knows how she was thinking what he will feel. All these were running in her mind. But she fell little confident that Jegan will accept her. She didn’t sleep properly that night. Poor girl she yet to realise that Jegan was just searching for the moment everyday. But as in the case of Jegan, I think we don’t want to tell how happy this guy will be after that incident.
Next Morning, Mona was so nervous to go to office, since the look, care, kind she will show to Jegan will be different from today and of course with special ingredient love. She has to impress Jegan. Mona also knows, she has to keep everything normal else she will be got caught. Mona decided to go to office with her best dress. But she remembered Jegan once told Kurta was his favorite women’s wear. So she decided to wear her new Kurta over her best dress. She also was thinking what Jegan will like. But she is not able to come with one. She feel little pity, that she didn’t know anything about Jegan.

Before leaving her room, she made sure she looks perfect. She boarded the bus. Her bus mate asked, 'Hey u r looking beautiful today yar. Anything special?'. Mona was very happy on hearing this, since from morning she took special care to look beautiful. She felt like she was rewarded. She replied, 'Nothing de. I feel fresh and happy this morning. Just like tat'. Her bus mate replied, 'Hmm. You look different today'. Mona, 'Oh is it so'.
Her bus mate replied, 'yea. Seems like what I said earlier will soon become reality. isn’t it?' with smile.
Mona asked, 'What, what what u said earlier?'.
Her bus mate, ' H

aan, I said u will fell in love with Jegan. That seems a reality now.’
Mona deep inside she felt happy but she told her, ' No. how u say?’
Bus mate, 'Hmmm simple. Jus seeing the actions what happened last day. Do u want me to explain more on this' with winking smile.
Mona, 'No its jus a.. jus a... jus a ...friendly helppp pa.. thats it.' with little trouble in saying.
Bus mate 'Oooh. kk cool. I m jus pranking'.
Mona said, 'Hmmm I know ur tricks'.
Bus mate, 'Ohh tats better'.
The next stop is as usual at the cafeteria. She went there and she couldn’t find Jegan there instead she saw his friends Aruna and Ganesh. She went to their place.
Aruna asked, 'Hey hi. U r looking beautiful today, anything spl?'.
Mona,'hi .. Jegan didn’t come today?'. She was thinking everyone saying she is beautiful except the guy she wanted.
Ganesh, 'No he ll come. Let me guess Today is ur birthday rite?'.
Mona said, 'No u r wrong'. Ganesh replied, 'Oh is it'. Aruna said, 'Unaakku ithey polapa pochu'.
Mona asked, 'U ve any idea when Jegan ll come?'.
Aruna said, 'he ll be here shortly. U ve his mobile no. rite, u can ask him urself na.'.

Mona, 'Hmmm.. '.
Aruna and Ganesh then asked Mona about her mother, how she is doing now, when they ll be back to chennai and all this.
Mona replied to all this questions, but all this time she was looking in to her mobile, and wrist watch. Whenever someone entered cafeteria she immediately turned and looked in anticipation whether Jegan arrived or not. She simply can’t wait to see Jegan today. Meantime Mona got a call from one of her teammate, she asked Mona to come to seat since Mona is having some pending works. Mona said bye to both Aruna and Ganesh and said, 'Once Jegan comes jus tell him I m looking for him nu'.
Ganesh said, 'Yea I do'. Mona left the place with disappointment of not seeing Jegan.
Aruna asked Ganesh, 'Did u notice something?'.
Ganesh, 'Wat. I didn’t see anything'.
Aruna,'hmm. I think Mona started to feel the same way like Jegan. She kept asking question about Jegan, she was little nervous today'.
Ganesh, 'Oooh these things happened ah. Actually I was busy eating the Idly's, Pongal' ;-).
Aruna smiled and said, 'Sappattu Rama'.
Ganesh , 'Ooooi enna'. Aruna and Ganesh finished their breakfast and went to their seat.
To their surprise, they saw Jegan already came and was in his seat. Both went to his seat and asked, 'What r u doing here.. did u had ur breakfast ?'.
Jegan replied scratching his head, 'Nooo yaar. Yesterday i left earlyna.. so i ve some pending works. Boss called me yesterday. so i come early today'.
Aruna, 'Is tat over now'. Jegan, 'Almost'.

Aruna said, 'Ohh k. i ve some hot news for u. But i guess its not the rite time'.
Jegan said, 'Ooh thanks for understanding. Naan Romba busy'.
Ganesh said, 'Haan.. Its about Mona'.
Jegan, 'What what Monaa???'.
Aruna, 'Yea'. Jegan, 'Hey tell yaar'.
Aruna, 'Sir thaan romba busyah irukingale apram enna. I ll tell later'.
Jegan, 'Heeyy plz plz tell me yaar'. Ganesh smiled and said, 'Haiyo haiyo'.
Aruna, 'First finish ur pending work, I ll tell'.
Jegan replied, 'That ganesh ll do. U tell ;-)'.
Ganesh , 'Dai. Wat u think of me'. All 3 were laughing.
Jegan said, 'come on guys tell me'.
Both Ganesh and Aruna didnt say a word, jus closed their mouth and smiling at what Jegan doing.
Aruna said, 'Okk relax. I ll tell. I think Mona started to feel same like u'.
Jegan eyes wide opened and asked, 'Really!!!!!! How u r saying?'.
Aruna narrated what happened in the cafeteria. Jegan was so happy hearing and said, 'Hmm.. I guessed it'.
Aruna, 'Oooh how?'.
Jegan, 'Yesterday I and Mona went in bike'.
Aruna asked, 'Hmm. may be she thought u as friend. Why friends cant go in the same bike ah ?'.
Jegan,'Yea but '. Now its Jegan turn to narrate what happened last night.
At the end of conversation, Jegan said, 'I m gonna meet Mona now'.
Ganesh stopped him, 'Hey don’t go. Let her come and talk to u. That will be fantastic'.
Aruna, 'Hello enna thimira.. Romba Scene podathinga'.
Jegan said, 'Yea Ganesh is rite. I liked this'.
After some 1 hour, Jegan got a call from Mona. Jegan was so happy, he answered it. Mona asked, 'R u in office?'. Jegan said, 'Yep'.
Mona was little hesitant in asking a normal thing, 'Can we ve coffee?'
Jegan, 'Yep sure will come down in a minute'.

Jegan rushed to the place, he found Mona already waiting for him. Mona was having her kerchief in her hand and impatiently crushing the kerchief. She was looking like an angel in that Kurta. She simply looks stunning.
Mona said, 'Hi' and she was expecting Jegan will say something about her dress.
Jegan replied, 'Hey hi. Have your parents reached safely?'.
Mona said, 'Yea'.
Jegan asked, 'U want coffee?? '.
Mona ,'Yes'.
Jegan said, 'Ok u wait I go and get it'.
Mona, 'Hmmm'. She was little disappointed as Jegan didn’t say any word about her look.
Jegan thinking, 'Dai Jegan She look Gorgeous man.. wow'.
Jegan got couple of coffee and gave one to Mona. Mona didn’t speak. Jegan broke the silence, 'Hey anything spl today. You were ......'.
Mona , 'you were..'.
Jegan said, 'just beautiful and Gorgeous . iii
U know, I like kurtas and saree, halfsaree'.
Jegan indirectly said his desire to see Mona in that dress
Mona blushed and said, 'You are joking'.
Jegan said, 'Yea u r rite. I know'.
Mona said, 'U Idiot'.
Jegan was laughing and few minutes later Mona started laughing too. Both were started to crack funny jokes to impress one another. Jegan wanted to make her happy always and he is keen on showing his love indirectly. Mona started showing care, affection and love towards Jegan. But both don’t have the guts to express their love.
Things going like this daily, they even started to meet alone outside after office hours also in holidays. Both didn’t say express the love but both knows both were feeling like this.
In mean time Mona's Parents come from Vizag, both Jegan and Mona went to railway station to meet them. Both received them happily, Mona's Parents were happy to see them.
General talks like, how r u, how was the marriage and like were going on.
Mona's father told Mona , 'Hey mona, I met my friend in Vizag. He has one son. His name is Stephen. He is

also a software engg working in US. I have seen his foto. He is looking good. My friend saw ur photo and he wants to see me not only as a friend also as a relative. Hope u got my point. What’s ur opinion?'.
On hearing this both Mona and Jegan were shell shocked.
Both were looking at each other. Mona looking helpless and saw Jegan desperately. Jegan too had nothing to say.
Journey Continues.......................