When we say “Ctrl + Z”, every one who uses PC will know it. Yes its “Undo”. Especially IT people will use it countless a day
This blog is dedicated to guys and gals who work in IT. We IT guys are the ones who do an easy job. I know while reading this you will feel angry on me, even I felt the same while others said me this.
Recently me and one of my friend was having lunch in a hotel. Don’t think the big story or a flashback begins ;-). This is a small incident. While we had our lunch, a servant was carrying a plate full of juice glasses. My friend told this “see da, he has to take it very carefully, if he put these down, that’s all. Every thing is lost.”

When a Tailor stitches a dress with different size, the tailor has no option to revert it back.
For doctors, when they do any small mistake during operation, the patient’s life may become critical.
This happens for a housewife too, when she put extra salt or sugar in any of the dish she prepares. Her husband will scold her the entire day…:-). Every husband and wife reading this will know very much about this……… I don’t need to tell anything here…….

The above few are some examples that struck my brain.
I feel our job is best …….
I feel our job is best …….
We should feel happy to be in this job, Thanks to “Ctrl +Z”........................
pinra da po.....
Room potu yosichiya da senthil :-) ...
-Sundar rajan
aey, Enna vachi commedy kemmedy pannalayae
Yes our job is always best & easy to revoke & hide our mistakes... Well said!
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