Jegan casually asked Mona where she goes and got a reply from her. He also told where he is going. Jegan was b

Time was around 8:30PM, Jegan came back to his berth and ate some snacks he had. His stomach was filled with that little snacks and happiness on talking to Mona. Mona is good looking, fair and with no makeups in her face. She has a lengthy hair, which is plaited. In office, Jegan has to cross Mona’s desk to meet one of his colleague. When ever Jegan crosses her desk just glances Mona. Whenever he sees Mona, an advertisement strikes his mind because the girl in the ADD looks similar like Mona.

All of a sudden Jegan’s mobile was ringing and he looked at it. The call was from his mother. He answered his mother and later passing time by looking to his mobile. He noticed the time was 9:00 PM and again looked a Mona’s berth. At that time Mona was getting ready for sleep. Co-passengers in Jegan’s compartment were also getting ready for sleep and soon Jegan joined them. During the course of journey, Jegan couldn’t sleep and was thinking about her. When time went on he slept.
Early Morning Jegan woke up and was getting ready since the train will reach his native in another half an hour. He noticed Mona, that she was asleep. He wanted to say Mona a “Bye” before he reaches is native. Jegan was eagerly watching her berth and time went on. There was only 15 Mins to reach his native, but still Mona was asleep………………

Journey continues…………
1 comment:
going cool... u can add certain spicy
things to make the content more intresting...i ve some predictions abt wht gonna happen to jegan..let me see....
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