May this new year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every
joy of life and may your resolutions for the days
ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams
into reality and all your
efforts into great
Happy New Year!
May this new year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every
joy of life and may your resolutions for the days
ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams
into reality and all your
efforts into great
Happy New Year!
Could anybody imagine what a PB is in terms of storage?
This screenshot is taken from my friend's PC .....
Note : Click on the screenshot to view a clear image...
I was bored on surfing the net. Simply I typed google in reverse in the google search it self. I was shocked of the result. It returned a result saying, The site is called the "Google mirror"
The most interesting one is that, to search on this search engine, a user must type in the keywords backwards for it to understand the search string.
Really, what is the reason for increase in fuel price? Is that the demand of it? What does the government do for this? Are they trying to resolve the issue? Every year lakhs and lakhs of vehicles gets increased wide over the country. Can this be an impact for petrol demand?
Any replies/comments are appreciated…..
Hi all,
I am getting prepared for Pongal celebration in my office. Suddenly I got a thought, how many of us celebrate English New Year (1 st Jan) than Tamil New Year.
Can u please give genuine answer ???